Is a ghost haunting The Dolphin in Littlehampton, West Sussex? Landlady Ellie Boiling seems to think so, and she’s got video to prove it! Watch the CCTV footage, and decide for yourself whether this centuries-old watering hole is the subject of a haunting.
With wildfires becoming a bigger and bigger threat to forests and wildlife throughout the States, Smokey the Bear’s proverb, “Only You Can Prevent Wildfires,” has never been more relevant. The saying is especially important for all those camping and hiking along the border of North Carolina and Tennessee in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, where…
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The Jersey Devil isn’t the only thing being seen in the skies above the Garden State! According to the National UFO Reporting Center, there have been a rash of sightings in recent days. The most recent sighting came in the form of “two circles in the sky [that] changed colors several times from blue to…
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For generations, Short Creek in eastern Pulaski County, Kentucky has allegedly been the subject of a haunting. In this short film, Zach Bales, the Paranormal Roadtripper, introduces viewers to the legend of Short Creek and discusses his own haunting experiences there.
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